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Press responses

Interview conducted in January 2010 on the occasion of the symposium "Das gefühlte und das proklamierte Europa. Was haben Europäerinnen von der EU zu erwarten?" (Europe Sensed vs. Europe Proclaimed. What can European Women Expect from the EU?):

Interview with the founder Mechthild Veil for the culture programme "Mikado am Nachmittag" of radio station HR2, broadcast on January 15, 2010, at 5:05 pm. The interview can be downloaded as an mp3-podcast:
Listen to podcast (4.1 MB, duration 8.5 minutes)

Press Responses to the inaugural event in November 2005:

english translation

"At its inaugural event the Frankfurt based foundation "Stiftung Frauen in Europa" (Women in Europe) demonstrated the pertinence of its concern: strengthening the participation of women in the process of EU unification and encouraging the exchange between Western and Eastern European women." Frankfurter Rundschau, November 21, 2005

"When the Frankfurt based foundation "Stiftung Frauen in Europa" (Women in Europe) made its first public appearance in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Hessen (...) women's movement was tangible in the auditorium. Feministische Studien 1/2006

Konsens, Informationen des Deutschen Akademikerinnenbundes e.V., 4/1 2005/06

"In order to understand country specific differences and similarities in gender role schemes (...), it is required to think along far-reaching tradition lines." femina politica 1/2006

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