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Images from the conference "The view of emancipated women in Turkey and Germany at Europe" November the 22nd and 23rd 2013 in Berlin

An event in cooperation with the bureau of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Istanbul

Participants from Turkey in front of the "Weiberwirtschaft eG", a women's business center and a widely noticed example of an ecologically reconstructed and run business center. From left to right: Ismigül Simšek, Ulrike Dufner (director of the Böll-Foundation Istanbul), Esin Özdemir, Simton Cosar, Fatma Bostan and Serap Güre.

Mechthild Veil (Foundation Women in Europe) in conversation with Handan Gaglayan.

Visiting the women's project "Paula Panke e.V."

One of the panels.


Images from the Symposium

"Das gefühlte und das proklamierte Europa - Was haben Europäerinnen von der EU zu erwarten?" (Europe Sensed vs. Europe Proclaimed - What can European Women Expect from the EU?)

January 15 and 16, 2010, at the Haus am Dom, Frankfurt/Main:


Panelists (from left to right): Cagla Ünlütürk Ulutas (Turkey), Pauline Conroy (Ireland), Franziska Brantner (Germany), Mercedes de Castro Ruiz (Spain), Mechtild M. Jansen (Foundation Women in Europe), Renate Dunwoody (Translator), Silja Schultheis and Hana Havelková (Czech Republic)

Panelists (from left to right): Pauline Conroy, Susanne Rauscher (Foundation Women in Europe), Cagla Ünlütürk Ulutas , Mechthild Veil (founder)

The Panelists engaged in discussion

Jeanne Fagnani (CNRS Paris) and Rita Casale (co-editor of the Feministische-Studien) in conversation


Images from the Exhibition "Krumen vom Tisch" (Crumbs from the table)

Paintings and Drawings by Indrė Šataitė, Litauen
January 19, 2008, at Römer 9, Evangelische Stadtakademie, Frankfurt/Main

Welcome Address by Christian Kaufmann, Evengelische Stadtakademie Römer 9

Rasa Balciknyte, cultural attachée of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania, in front of a painting by Indrė Šataitė

Mechthild Veil (founder), Indrė Šataitė (the artist), Rasa Balciknyte

Opening of the exhibition

Picture of Indrė Šataitė

Eva Brinkmann to Broxten of the Frankfurt based foundation "maecenia" in conversation with painter Indrė Šataitė

Images from the Symposium

"Kulturen der Selbstständigkeit" (Cultures of Self-Reliance)

on January 19, 2008, at Römer 9, Frankfurt/Main:

Panel with Andrea Petö (Hungary), Teresa Święćkowska (Poland), Mechthild Veil (Foundation Women in Europe), Eva Brinkmann to Broxten (Frankfurt based foundation maecenia), Paula Zupanc Ečimović (Slovenia) und Christine Kopf (Filmfestival go East, Wiesbaden)

The Audience

Andrea Petö (Hungary) und Mechtild M. Jansen (Foundation Women in Europe)

Teresa Święćkowska (Poland) und Margret Krannich (Heinrich Böll Foundation Hessen)

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